Post 039. Lifestyle Labstuff: Daily Incantation

People of [organized] faith often begin their day with prayer. This template doesn’t fit me, but I like the idea of relating to the bigger thing, whatever that may be. I’ve also heard, that to get stuff, you have to ask for it. As such, and as a student of different practices on a quest for spiritual growth, here’s a custom intention incantation I’m trying to work into the start of the day:

I accept and embrace this day with an open heart, open mind, and gratitude.

I seek growth, service, and meaning through artful expression of my values.

Additionally, I participate in [mumble through poorly, but am fulfilled by] a yoga invocation, led by an amazing yogi, and have a pre-breakfast affirmation to mitigate the effects of any immediate concerns I have (like financial anxiety). These last two practices were graciously given to me. So collectively, that’s three intention/prayer/invocation-type practices, often several hours apart before the proverbial eggs are cracked on the day. My goal is to organize my mind, and body, in a more efficient and streamlined manner so that I feel both the drive of these intentions in the day, and to improve my impact and effectiveness. Without action words are cheap, and spiritual pursuit requires better.

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